Writing . Sharing .. Connecting ...

Whimsical contemplations of nature and living. Letters to myself. Reminders. To remember how to live a more connected, grounded and expansive life. To live more courageously, more authentically and with a whole lot more heart.

A collection of lived experience and observation and the reflections and insights that follow and surface amidst my day to day. This is where I come to jot it all down and attempt to draw some meaning from it all.

And I offer these words to share with you and invite you to meet me here too; ponder deeper courage, authenticity and heart along the way. And maybe even - through the sharing of these words - you and I can feel a little more connected in some way.

Philanthropic Projects

My intention is to generate and sustain pay-it-forward abundance into philanthropic endeavors through the collective power of this reader-supported publication.

Our paid membership community supports high impact philanthropic projects that work to protect and sustain mother nature, through direct donation of 100% of membership subscriptions during our philanthropic project spotlights that we host 3-4 times throughout the year. Each spotlight month begins by learning a bit about the specific philanthropic project mission and ends by announcing and celebrating our membership community donation raised right here, through this reader-supported publication.

If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of too, subscribe below or choose to gift a subscription to someone in your life who you know would value the words shared through this publication.

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To give you an idea, these are some of the philanthropic projects we have been supporting: Climate Council, Firesticks, Seed Mob, TreeSisters, 50 Reefs, Charity: Water, World Bicycle Relief. We aim to grow and evolve our support of high impact projects giving back to mother nature, so if you have a philanthropic project suggestion please let me know in the comments. I’d love to hear about their mission.

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reconnecting souls with the timeless wisdom of mother nature, guiding you home to your Self


writer, soulful speaker; reconnecting souls with the timeless wisdom of mother nature, guiding you home to your Self